Heat Judging:
Each heat surfers are looking to lock in their two highest-scoring waves -- both out of a possible 10 points for a possible 20-point heat total. A panel of judges scores each wave on a scale of one to ten, the surfer receives the average of the score received from the judging panel. There is no limit on the number of waves that will be scored, but the two best scoring waves (each out of a possible 10) are added together to become a surfer's heat total (out of a possible 20). Efforts will be made to ensure that no judge has a vested interest in the heat they are judging (this includes not judging family members or heats from the same division a judge surf in).
Judges Analyse The following Elements When Scoring Waves:
Commitment and degree of difficulty
Innovative and progressive maneuvers
Combination of major maneuvers
Variety of maneuvers
Speed, power and flow
**It is important to note that the emphasis of certain elements is dependent upon the location and the conditions on the day, as well as changes of conditions during the day.
Judging Scale:
0.0 — 1.9: Poor
2.0 — 4.9: Fair
5.0 — 6.4: Good
6.5 — 7.9: Very Good
8.0 — 10.0: Excellent
End of Year Results:
This season will feature five events for the senior divisions, with your worst result being dropped the reaming top four results determining your final standing on the leaderboard.
Division Rules:
For senior comps you can only enter into your age bracket division and an open division this allows for the days to run smoothly.
For junior comps you must be under the age for the entire year e.g if you are entering into under 12’s for 2025 you must be 11 and under for the entirety of 2025